The Manse aims to provide care and support for elderly individuals in a homely environment which recognises the right for each Service User to have as meaningful life as possible. We aim to offer the opportunity for each Service User to achieve their fullest potential, for independence and fulfillment.
We are committed to quality and excellence and we have Management systems in place that ensure we deliver a quality service constantly.
We encourage and welcome feedback from Service Users and their representatives the service provided. Comment / Complaint cards can be found in the reception.
We endeavor to provide an environment that is open, honest and caring.
Service Users are respected as valued members of the community. Dignity is preserved at all times. We uphold individual's rights to equality, privacy, confidentiality and as comfortable life as possible.
Each Service User will have an allocated key worker who is responsible for their care plan.
Equality and diversity is key to the running of the home. The rights of all Service Users regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or religious persuasion are recognised and respected by all staff.
Service Users receive a contract for care and accommodation.
All Service Users have equal access to the services offered by the Home.
Service Users are able to contribute to the running of the Home.
Suggestions / comments cards are available and residents meetings take place.
Service Users who wish to do so are able to exercise their electoral rights. Postal votes can be arranged.
Each Service User has the right to refuse treatment.
Each Service User has the right to participate in activities which may involve a degree of risk.