The Care Team

The Manse works in accordance to The Health & Social Care Act 2008 and the 2014 regulations to strive to deliver the best possible service for Service Users and acheive a high standard of care.

The home has a stable, committed and well-motivated team chosen for their caring nature. They are carefully screened and references are always checked thoroughly. All staff undergo an enhanced DBC check before employment commences, and all staff benefit from comprehensive training.


The Management Team

Charlotte Watson - Manager

Charlotte Watson - Manager

Mrs Charlotte Watson is a Registered Manager, experienced for many years in residential care who, over the years, has gained many qualifications including NVQ Level 4 in Health & Social Care Management, Registered Managers Award, Assessors Award, BSC(Hons) Psychology and MA Healthcare Law.

Debbie Milton - Manager

Debbie Milton - Manager

The Registered Ranager for the home is Deborah Milton, experienced in residential care she holds qualifications relevant to her role including NVQ 4 in Health & Social Care.

Nichola Wilson - Assistant Manager

Nichola Wilson - Assistant Manager

The Deputy Manager of the Home is Nichola Wilson, also experienced in residential care for a number of years. She holds qualifications relevant to her role including NVQ Level 5 in Health & Social Care Management.

Our Location

Our CQC Report

Our East Yorkshire Setting

Prospect House, Swinefleet

Prospect House Residential Care Home

Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, DN14 8DF
Tel: 01405 704259

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